Teach your hardware and Systems students how to design using the scrum process.
Scrum can help your students:
Develop good design skills.
Manage uncertainty.
Improve project visibility making team communication easier.
Improve design team morale.
Get jobs - many leading-edge companies use the Scrum framework.
Scrum can help you:
Teach good design practice.
Teach students how to manage time and uncertainty.
Improve project visibility making design project grading easier.
Meet ABET design requirements.
Take advantage of 30 Self-paced modules (4 hours of material), written for professionals, accessible by your students in your classes.
Explore this Teaching Material for Free
Step 1. Use the form below for a free desk copy of the online course "Scrum for Hardware and Systems Design".
Step 2. I send you a link for you to review the course for free. The supporting material and instructors manual may also be of use to you.
Step 3. I also send a link to share with your students. This connects them to the course registration at a heavily discounted student price of $19.00 each (retail $499.00).
Request a free desk copy of the on-line course
"Scrum for Hardware and Systems".

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