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Mechanical Design Process Case Studies

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Case studies have long been used in business schools but only recently in engineering.  However, studying how professionals have solved design problems is one window on the design process that is useful to students and practitioners. 


What is unique about these case studies is they are not purely academic but are co-written by practicing engineers to show real-world examples of good practice. 


The case studies range from those featuring very small companies to NASA and BMW.  They range from the design of bicycles to heat exchangers.  They include systems that solely of hardware to those with integrated electronics and software. 

The case studies are organized into seven broad design phases. Click on each for details and a description of the case studies included:



Purchase Case Studies for any design phase from its detail page or with the links below.


All the case studies in each design phase are available as read-only PDFs for $9.99. Each set includes a perpetual license to read each case study in the design phase online. Many case studies exemplify more than one phase so choosing two or more sets may result in duplication. All the case studies are available for $24.99 online and in book form “Mechanical Design Process Case Studies", 2nd edition" available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others.

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